EstheWhite & EstheShield

Innovative Skin Whitening Supplements


Carotenoids are natural sun protectants found in plants. They absorb harmful UVA and UVB rays and supress free radicals that lead to premature ageing and dark, uneven skin tone. The human body is unable to produce carotenoids, but they can be obtained through diet.

EstheWhite’s key active ingredient, PhytoflORAL® is a patented innovative dietary supplement derived from a proprietary source of non‐GMO tomato species that are rich in colourless carotenoids – phytoene and phytofluene. These specific carotenoids are known to lighten and even out skin tone through

  • Inhibition of constitutive melanin synthesis (reduces baseline pigment production)
  • Protection against UVA and UVB rays
  • Significantly increasing anti-oxidant processes

These carotenoids are truly colourless: they do not bleach nor stain the skin

An additional ingredient in EstheWhite is L-Cysteine

It has been shown to prevent the production of darker melanin, stimulate the production of glutathione, promote skin renewal and display anti-oxidant effects


The core ingredient of EstheShield is a proven natural fern extract, polypodium leucotomos. It is an effective chemophoto-protective agent that leads to a significant decrease of UV-induced erythema, sunburn cell formation, DNA damage, epidermal hyperproliferation, and dermal mast cell infiltration.

Polypodium leucotomos has been extensively researched. Clinical studies show that polypodium extracts is effective in defending skin against damage from UV radiation when taken orally.

Polypodium leucotomos has antioxidant properties that help to inhibit free radicals in skin tissues from causing long-term DNA damage and photo-ageing.